Introducing MANNHOUSE's recommended web site. Please enjoy INTERNET GAY SURFING. We're looking for people interested in "Mutual link" Click here for more detailed information.
The following sites marked in
are affiliated with MANNHOUSE and we recommend them.
GPRESS Links to other Japanese Gay Sites (Japanese Only)
SindBad Bookmarks Japanese and English Internet Gay Search Engine!
G.Base General gay data resource site. (Japanese Only)
MEN ON THE NET Links to Gay Sites Around the World--must visit at least once
Gay Asian Links Gay links from Southeast Asia
Find Gay Sites Links to Gay Sites Around the World--must visit at least once
GAY STATION Most polpular gay site in HK
BAB gay Asian Links Links to Gay Sites Around Asia
BADI The best selling gay magazine in Japan (Japanese Only)
BADI.JP Gay portal site run by BADI magazine (Japanese Only)
BARAZOKU The oldest and most popular gay magazine in Japan (Japanese Only)
SAMSON Tha Japanese Daddies Magazine(Japanese Only)
G-MEN The Japanese Hunk Magazine(Japanese Only)
UTOPIA Total Asian Gay Media Site from Southeast Asia.
GAY WIRED Hot gay information magazine from America
GAY WEB JAPAN Gay portal site in Japan
RAINBOW SHOPPERS MANNHOUSE family's shopping page. CD-ROM, photo collections, etc.
BOOKS ROSE Tokyo's Shinjuku 2-chome gay district's hot variety shop's home page.
BIG GYM BIG GYM, a gay variety shop's home page(Japanese Only)
ARTY FARTY The site of the most populor gay bar in Tokyo.(Japanese Only)
TAKE ON Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese Only)
GATE IN Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese Only)
TARGET Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese Only)
JUNCTION Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese and English)
SHIBUYA STREET Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese Only)
GRANS FREAK Tokyo cruising place's homepage(Japanese Only)
JOINAC Joinac Homepage--Links to MANNHOUSE, Gender, Rainbow Shoppers, and affiliates
GAS The site of Supporting Japanese Gay Artists(Japanese Only)
THE PRIVATE PARTY The site of Japanese Gay Company which produce gay nights(Japanese Only)
NEW!! Muscle Zone Productions The film production of body-builders and athletes(English Only)